The Discover page started with a simple idea: instead of an inbox where artists can send songs directly to, we should create an algorithmically-generated page where playlisters can browse through songs that are most compatible with their tastes. Our belief was that freeing up playlisters from an endless inbox encouraged more organic pick-up of songs, and ultimately allowed them to find better-fitting music for their playlists.

This unique way to connect playlisters with new music turned out to work wonders. Thanks to our Discover page, if a playlister interacts with an artist’s song, it’s because they are actually interested in the song, album cover, and artist. The Discover page allows playlisters to become real fans of the artists they interact with. We’ve found this approach to be very effective, providing opportunities for artists to the tune of over 20,000 new song discoveries per month!

As our platform scaled up, however, the Discover page started to encounter growing pains; playlisters starting to feel overwhelmed with a large amount of songs being matched, and some playlisters were frustrated by the lack of filtering tools to narrow down the selection. These are what inspired today’s announcement of the new & improved Discover page! 

Welcome to limitless exploration

We’ve decided to widen the selection of songs displayed at once in the Discover page. Playlisters have access to all of the songs in the system, loaded all upfront when they initially log in. Artists will notice an uptick in views, as they are being displayed to every playlister. With more songs in the platform, playlisters now have more options to explore the world of emerging artists that make up our Discover page, allowing them to curate even better playlists. For artists, this simply means more opportunities to get their music to new, potential fans. We believe expanding the ability to explore more songs, also expands the opportunities to make amazing new discoveries and connections.

Putting customization power in your hands

Even though we are now displaying more songs, we’ve also made a much-needed update by allowing Playlisters to filter the music displayed by genres. The powerful Genre filter at the top-right of the "New Tracks" & "More Tracks For You" carousel, can be used to narrow down the selection of broad genres our playlisters are matched with, and increase their chances of finding their next favorite artist.

This genre filtering is an excellent way explore the thousands of songs in our discovery ecosystem, in a more organized fashion. Playlisters with multiple types of playlists will largely benefit from this update; they can change their genres as they curate for different styles of lists, saving them time and enabling more discovery. This feature balances the best of both worlds: Exploration & Customization

Streamline your interactions with the new player 

The old discover page also only allowed you to evaluate on a song-by-song basis. We realized this hindered the natural behavior to explore other tracks while listening to another one simultaneously. This is why we opted for a more seamless & multitask-friendly redesign. 

At the bottom of the new Discover, you will see a familiar, industry-standard Song Player format. A simple, yet powerful update that makes it easier than ever to evaluate songs in the ecosystem, while simultaneously exploring and using our other tools. 

At the right of the player, you will still have access to the Playlister.Club interactions you know and love, and they are easier-to-find than ever before! Notably: 

  • The Scheduler to schedule songs into your playlists.
  • Share via SongChat with another curator.
  • Thumbs up for review/thumbs down.
  • Link out to Spotify to listen to the song in full.

A more exciting visual experience

The first version of Discover offered a repetitive carousel format, displaying all the tracks at a similar size, whereas the new Discover page offers an exciting new way to visualize album covers that artists spend so much time perfecting, and adding to a more engaging weekly discovery experience.

These new, eye-catching carousels are not only more fun, but they also allow you to browse through more songs, faster, increasing playlister’s chances of finding the next big hit, before other A&R/Playlisters out there! 

For artists, these larger slots open up new possibilities for more in-depth promotions like Banners + Community Ads. We will soon offer New Release Package bundles, which allow you to unlock multiple of these larger slots in a one-time purchase, rather than a membership. 

The new Discover page is an important step in our goal to disrupt music discovery, and offers benefits for our playlister, artist, and label users alike. All of these updates, paired with much faster load times thanks to client-side loading, will add to a seamless A&R/Curation experience through the platform that we are sure you’re going to love, as much as we do! 

So what are you waiting for? You’re a few clicks away from diving into a bustling ecosystem of unbelievable new music…


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